Monday, August 10, 2020

Essay Sample is Higher Education Worth the Price

Essay Sample is Higher Education Worth the Price Is Higher Education Worth the Price? May 31, 2019 in Argumentative Essay Outline In the article of Senior Associate Editor Gillian White published in The Atlantics and titled It Still Pays Off, the author asserts that the value of college education still has its advantages. Despite the fact that Whites opening paragraph as well as the title present both an optimistic and positive picture regarding the benefits of getting a college degree, it can be genuinely ascertained that the optimism is somewhat reduced in the final paragraphs. It can be asserted that the beginning and end of Whites article are not actually consistent with each other and, therefore, they do not present corresponding argument (Brody, 1). Through the use of the Earnings Graph, White argues that college graduates are better than experienced high school ones. Whites assertions are further proved by the Georgetown Research Professor who also argues that a college degree is actually worth the price and asserts that is still worth it... it is just that people cant afford it... The fact that college education is worth the price is further reflected in Sanford Ungars essay, in which similarly to White, Ungar also asserts that College education is actually worth it. White further argues that ...even with debt, College still pays off...

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